Simsbury Public Library

Let’s Talk: National Slavery and Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Resources








To schedule a training contact:

Introduction to Child Trafficking in Connecticut 
This curriculum is designed to enhance an individual’s understanding of Child Trafficking. The training assists participants in identifying victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) as well as receiving tips on how to best respond and support identified trafficking victims. Participants will learn definitions, federal and state legislation related to human trafficking, prevalence of DMST in CT, pathways to victimization, warning signs, impact to the victims, and who are the buyers/exploiters of this crime. The training is 2 ½ hours and materials utilized are videos and PowerPoint. CEU’s are available.

Introduction to Human Trafficking in Connecticut for Law Enforcement 
This curriculum is similar to the one outlined above with the exception that it is geared for police offices (both municipal and state) and other law enforcement personnel. A special video has been developed to assist law enforcement with identifying victims of human trafficking during routine traffic stops. This training is 2 ½ hours and materials utilized are videos and PowerPoint.

Introduction to Human Trafficking in Connecticut for Emergency Medical Services
This curriculum is similar to the ones outlined above with the exception that it is geared for emergency medical services personnel (Paramedics, EMT’s, and First Responders). EMS specific information and resources are included to assist EMS with identifying victims of human trafficking during emergency responses in the community. This training is 2 hours and materials utilized are videos and PowerPoint. CE’s and CEU’s can be provided.

Child Trafficking Training for Medical Providers/ Emergency Medicine 
This curriculum is similar to the ones outlined above with the exception that it is geared for emergency medical services personnel (physicians, nurses, social workers and any person that works within an emergency department, hospital, clinic, physician’s office, etc.). Medical specific information and resources are included to assist medical providers with identifying victims of human trafficking and opportunities to provide important medical services and support to victims. This training is offered as a 1-hour training as well as an expanded version of 2-hours. Materials utilized are videos and PowerPoint and also includes brief case activity(s).

Introduction to Human Trafficking in Connecticut for Hotel/ Motel/ Lodging 
This curriculum is similar to the ones outlined above with the exception that it is geared for hotels, motels and lodging establishments. Specific information and resources are included to assist employees with identifying victims of human trafficking while staying at such establishments. This training is 1 1/2 hours and materials utilized are videos and PowerPoint.

Sex Trafficking of Boys & Male Bodied Youth 
This curriculum is designed to enhance an individual’s understanding of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) with emphasis on boys and male bodied youth. The training assists participants in identifying boys and male bodied youth victims, understanding the unique warning signs and the impact on this population. Participants will learn definitions, federal and state legislation related to human trafficking, prevalence of DMST in CT and who are the buyers/ exploiters of this crime. The training is 2 ½ hours and materials utilized are videos and PowerPoint. CEU’s are available.

Fostering in the best & hardest of times: Helping foster parents care for high risk kids and child victims of commercial sexual exploitation (2-day training) 
This course is designed for foster parents including components from four targeted curricula:

  • Introduction to Child Trafficking in Connecticut 
  • Caring for High Risk Youth and Child Victims of Sex Trafficking 
  • Understanding Girls: A Trauma Informed Perspective 
  • Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking of Boys & Male Bodied Youth 

Child Trafficking: What is it, how to see it, and how to respond to it –              Day 1 and 2 
This course provides a framework for understanding the complex issue of child trafficking by providing a framework for responding in a well-prepared and collaborative manner. The roles of the Department, providers, law enforcement, as well as other systems in addressing the problem will be examined. This course explores the prevalence of child trafficking cases in Connecticut and provides an overview of national and state laws governing this work. Participants will learn what it takes to successfully manage a child trafficking case. Specific information relating to boys and LGBTQ+ youth will also be discussed. This is a full day training (6 hours) and is delivered by lecture with videos and activities. CEU’s are available. This training is offered at the DCF Academy for Workforce Development. NOTE: Day 1 and Day 2 must be taken together. The second day of this course focuses on building engagement skills to work with youth and caregivers around issues of child trafficking. Focus is also given to case planning for youth and families. Participants will learn about targeted services to support youth who are at high risk of or confirmed victims of child trafficking. This course will conclude with an expert panel presentation. This is a full day training (6 hours) and is delivered by lecture with videos and activities. CEU’s are available. This training is offered at the DCF Academy for Workforce Development. NOTE: Day 1 & Day 2 must be taken together.

Youth Specific Curricula

Youth Awareness on Child Trafficking 
The Connecticut’s HART developed a 45 to 60-minute Youth Awareness presentation to educate youth ages 12 to 18 on child trafficking. This curriculum was vetted with youth across the state to ensure the content was impactful and relevant to youth of this age range. The Youth Awareness presentation is a one-time educational opportunity to raise awareness with the ultimate goal of providing the Not a #Number prevention groups to smaller groups of youth.

Youth Prevention – Not a #Number 
Love146’s Prevention Curriculum, Not a #Number, is an interactive five-module curriculum designed to teach youth how to protect themselves from human trafficking and exploitation through information, critical thinking, and skill development. The program integrates a holistic view of the issue by focusing on respect, empathy, individual strengths, and the relationship between personal and societal pressures that create or increase vulnerabilities. Through open conversations, engaging activities, the use of media, and opportunities for disclosures, participants find ways to move beyond awareness to behavioral change.
For a preview of Not a #Number, visit 

Domestic Child Sex Trafficking (4-part Webinar Series) 
The ABA Center on Children and the Law, in partnership with the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, the Division of Public Defender Services/Child Protection/Juvenile Unit, and the Connecticut Human Anti-Trafficking Response Team (HART), presented a four-part webinar series for attorneys who work with children and youth who are victims or at risk of being victims of Domestic Child Sex Trafficking. Each webinar is described below, followed by evaluation results for the series. Resources shared during the webinars can be accessed at: 

Domestic Child Sex Trafficking 101
This interactive webinar addressed the fundamentals of the justice system response to Domestic Child Sex Trafficking. ABA Center on Children and the Law attorney Eva Klain covered the legal response to child sex trafficking, including involvement with the child welfare or juvenile justice systems, the range of case types, screening and assessment of risk, and provisions of Connecticut and federal laws. The session also covered the victim’s trauma experience and how it may affect behavior and provide guidance on how to communicate with victims through a trauma-informed approach.
Watch the Recording

Trauma-informed Legal Advocacy
This webinar focused on the fundamentals of trauma and its effects on child clients, including complex trauma and children’s coping strategies. Leslie Jones of the Montgomery County (PA) Public Defender Service explained the implications of clients’ trauma histories on legal practice and provided tools and resources on how to integrate trauma knowledge into daily legal practice on behalf of victims of Domestic Child Sex Trafficking.
Watch the Recording 

Judicial Responses to DCST: Runaway Youth and Youth Missing from Care
The runaway youth population presents an opportunity for courts to identify and appropriately respond to victims of sex trafficking and youth at risk of victimization. Afua Addo, Manager of Gender and Justice Initiatives at the Center for Court Innovation, spoke about trauma-informed responses, specialized trafficking dockets, and the tools and resources available to judges.
Watch the Recording

Juvenile Defenders: Representing Victims of Sex Trafficking
This webinar examined substantive and systemic challenges to defending clients who are victims of domestic child sex trafficking. Sharonda Bradford, Deputy in Charge – Compton Branch, Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office, identified approaches to better identify and address the needs of youth who may be victims, explained how trauma plays a role in client interactions, and described practices that can enhance juvenile defenders’ responses to child survivors of sex trafficking.
Watch the Recording