

For answers to reference and consumer questions call (860) 658-7663 ext. 2. Adult Services staff is always available to assist with your information needs.


Interlibrary Loans

Borrow/request books from other libraries in Connecticut  and beyond. Libraries from outside of Connecticut may charge fees for InterLibrary loan materials.

Many items not found in the library’s collection may be obtained from other libraries free of charge. Every effort will be made to obtain the information you are seeking from another library.

  • Some items such as new books, compact disks, or DVDs may not be available for this service.

Your Simsbury Public Library card is good in any public library throughout the State of Connecticut, if it has not expired or has fines totaling more than $10, you may go to any public library and charge out the material you need.

  • Call us – 860-658-7663 ext. 2
  • Email us – Reference