Chess Club

Chess Club

For children in 2nd to 6th grade | FSPL Program Room

The Club welcomes all children from 2nd to 6th grade. You can find the full schedule on our Chess website or on the library event calendar.

The club

We expect children to know how the chess pieces move before their first visit. We teach chess strategy, chess sportsmanship and organize games.

Sportsman-like conduct is a key objective at all times. At the end of each game, players should shake hands and thank each other for the game saying “Good game”!

When you touch a piece, you have to play with that piece assuming a legal move is possible. Chess has many rules. The coaches are there to help.

Clean-up will start at 4:40 pm. For chess, members should set up the board to make sure the set is complete, replace chess pieces in chess bags, and return bags and boards to front of room.

At the close of each meeting Club Members should be picked up promptly in the Library. In case Simsbury public schools are closed for inclement weather, our club is canceled as well. Call the library at 860-658-7663 option 4 when in doubt.

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